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  1. C

    Gw for bulking!?!

    Or could be useful to keep off fat fa in during
  2. C

    Stupid question

    Thing is I was really lean but I was stupid and dirty bulked got way too fat and regret it now because it's so hard to get lean again. I do insane amounts of cardio as I am currently on Cardarine but I'm not that out of shape but idk. I would say I'm about 15 percent body fat more or less
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    Stupid question

    It is extremely effective though let's not act like it's not. But I mean alot of people use it. I saw 44 post a while back he tried it and it was very effective
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    Stupid question

    I mean how dangerous is it in all seriousness though? My diet is good and I'm honestly not in all that bad of shape I just want to be lean already
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    Stupid question

    I know it's not advisable and I'm probably gonna get shit talked but I am getting kinda desperate so oh well how safe would using dnp be as far as maybe taking half the recommended dosage just in case it is stronger than expected and going from there
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    Sarmsx is good quality and yes sarms are legit
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    Dallas Mccarver dead at 25

    I learned how when I got my pt certification you would think he would know how to
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    Gw-501516 & sr-9009

    Lol I was like wtf when I read his comment. It literally burned so much fat for me
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    Gw-501516 & sr-9009

    Sr9009 did wonders for me
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    Question on pro hormones

    Well shit man the pro hormones I used were not even that strongvtjey are the new ones that barely even work 25% as food as the old ones and I ran a proper pct after so what could be the problem
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    Question on pro hormones

    I guess but I mean if I don't have any libido problems I'm good that's how I see it
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    Question on pro hormones

    I know my bad bruh
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    Question on pro hormones

    Nothing but respect for u man and I understand you have a job too. Gotta go through the precautions and suggest the correct things but still seems counterproductive to assume an ailment without any symptoms.
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    Question on pro hormones

    My only problem Dylan is it seems to me you are trying to imply a problem where no symptoms for it are. I would much rather u kept it straight with me or I will just drop it all thanks for the opinions on it though peace
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    Question on pro hormones

    Don't worry me man lol
  16. C

    Question on pro hormones

    I just got concerned because I read some other guy had problems I mean the guy was having problems getting erections I'm not. I'm pretty sure if I was fucked I would know I was just curious. I will try to get blood work but I'm pretty sure it will come back fine as my libido is pretty good...
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    Question on pro hormones

    I was not concerned until I read some other posts on this a couple days ago. I feel fine though have no libido problems or anything and that is a good indicator of problems with fucked up cycles so I think I'm good.
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    Question on pro hormones

    I think I'm alright plus I ran a pretty good pct a while back after an s4 cycle.
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    Question on pro hormones

    Oh well I mean the pro hormone wasn't even that strong and plus it came with full pct.
  20. C

    Question on pro hormones

    Hey guys was going through some posts and read someone took a pro hormone well anyway a long time ago I ran a pro hormone but the new less strong ones. Anyway I am wondering if I should be fine. Because it was not just a pro hormone but a whole lot that included on cycle support and a pct...
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