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    Primobolan and Equipoise synergy?

    Thanks brother .. Im on my 2nd cycle now with T-Prop @ 200 EOD, NPP @ 100 EOD and Provi 25 mg ED.. i have read that Primo is perfect for bridging between cycles is it ok to run Test EQ and Primo immediately after my 2nd cycle.
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    Primobolan and Equipoise synergy?

    Do you still need to run Ttest together with primo and EQ?
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    Pharma Lady Platinum Biotech Caber

    Brother have you tried their Proviron and Test Prop?
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    cycle help needed

    sir dylan good day ... Im a 38 year old bodybuilder from the Philippines and ive been training for about 13 years, im planning to embark on my first proper steroid cycle to push my body the next level. The first cycle had i was 23 years old with Deca 50 about two years after i started...
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