mine quad was warm as well anyway you can load up a picture for us to get a better look at it.. it's prob no big deal. mine had me freaking o was like what am I going to tell the doc what am I going to do
last cycle I had my right quad swell up about twice the size of my left couldn't walk around without limping and was bright red.. I was scared shit less it was infected it was like that for 4 days i told my self if no improvement by tomorrow I'm going to the clinic woke up the next day and...
I'm sorry you misunderstood me.. I'm saying on cycle bloods I'm running TBOL Test E and EQ.. TBOL being the kicker. I plan on getting blood work done week 4 I'm saying at 60mg ED should I be expecting the TBOL to elevate my testosterone levels on the blood test.. thanks
WOW I feel like this has to be a troll cause absolutely everything your saying bro sounds idiotic... if your not a troll your going to end up fucking your self up.. I messed around with pro hormones at 18 and now my natural test is fucked... if you fat how about you learn to fucking diet and...
first of all your first cycle should ALAWYS be Test only... Tren is a very harsh compound and is for experienced users.. also I believe you need to train for a couple more years atleast natural before you take AAS you clearly haven't done enough research to even think about taking them.. ml and...
Wow who advised you to use this cycle and PCT. I don't know where to start EQ at only 10 weeks low mg... that did absolutely nothing three compounds on your first cycle. That's a terrible idea and your PCT is just awful you need to do more research and understand what you're doing to your body...