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  1. J

    RAD 140 PCT Struggles - Totally neccessary?

    Yeah, I read online about Clomid causing fever symptoms in some people. I also read that coming off RAD 140, your T levels will be much lower and that because you have low T, your immune system isn't as strong. Sounds logical. Overall I mostly feel like crap when taking the Clomid. I didn't...
  2. J

    RAD 140 PCT Struggles - Totally neccessary?

    Took RAD 140 and MK-677 together for about 5 weeks (20ml each). Saw HUGE gains right away, however I cut the cycle short because I started feeling sort of a soreness and discomfort in the thyroid area and assumed that it might have been causing some adverse reaction. I got on 50ml Clomid right...
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