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  1. M

    In need of your professional Feedback.

    Thank you so much for the feedback, it is Immensely appreciated. I will definitely look into getting these and touch back with you all.
  2. M

    In need of your professional Feedback.

    Good evening Dylan, I'm a long time Subscriber and have gotten much appreciated feedback from channel. I need some feedback and your knowledge would be immensely appreciated. 41 - Male 170 LBS 5'9" About 15% BMI now. Working out on and off over 15 years. Finished a cycle of Test/Primo/Winny...
  3. M

    Hey RickRock, Long time viewer of DG and looking to start first cycle of Sarms. Any chance you...

    Hey RickRock, Long time viewer of DG and looking to start first cycle of Sarms. Any chance you can give me some feedback of what is a trusted site. Much appreciated. Marz... [email protected]
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