I'm not sure yet. I know the GW and MK so far are on my list. Maybe doing the re-comp stack or the super stack and have some on hand. This will my first experience with using SARMs so I have a lot of reading and head scratching to do before the order.
What is everyone's opinions on using SARMS as a bridge between cycles ? Would it be beneficial to take a break after the PCT, or use the SARMS 8-12 weeks after PCT to get you to your next cycle ? Has anyone used them this way or just GW in their PCT. I am usually on 12 weeks off 12 weeks minimal...
My cycle was:
1-12 Test E 12 Weeks @ 500
6-12 Avanvar or Winny 6 weeks
1-12 12.5 Aromasin 12.5 EOD (somewhat gyno prone)
Ending my cycles with winny have been a far better result.. ... "But to each his own"
Winstrol over Anavar any day.. Just finished with Var at the end of my cycle and the results were nothing compared to the hardness and dry muscles that winny will leave you with.. I will never run Var again vs Winny even if they were the same price.
What about the Aromasin Dosage when on this PCT cycle ? I hope I'm not asking a question that has already been brought up or in the article. But wanted to know the dosage since I'm about to start week 2
Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) PCT
Week 1 : 20mg / day
Week 2 : 20mg / day
Week 3 : 10mg / day...