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  1. P

    If you need orals in a crunch PM me...

    i just sent a private message...was wondering if he had dbol or not?..will def be in touch when i do tbol
  2. P

    Needle Sizes

    i really wish they made a 24g needle i think that would be the best of both worlds haha
  3. P

    TRT vs cycle

    i meant cruising at a TRT dose ..tht is what i meant by back on TRT
  4. P

    TRT vs cycle

    no i was on 300mg for 6 weeks before i got blood drawn, and it was 7.5 days after inejction tht i got it drawn
  5. P

    Needle Sizes

    y would the size of the syringe make a difference?
  6. P

    Needle Sizes

    i tried using a 25g needle before in my glutes and it was extremely hard to push the oil through..what did i do wrong...i always use 23s now.
  7. P

    TRT vs cycle

    yes dr has me on 300mg my level was above 1500 after 7.5 days....i think when i go back on TRT tho i will drop down to 200mg becasue when i was with my last dr they had me on 200mg/week and my level was 845 or something close to that after 8 days
  8. P

    TRT vs cycle

    so i have been on TRT for a while now i think about 10 months....dr has me at 300mg/week for about 4 months....i had increased it to 600mg with 300mg of test prop....i have been there for 4 weeks but am not getting what i wanted....I was curious if a test, 400-600EQ, and 40-50mg anavar cycle...
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