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  1. DylanGemelli

    Pinning "old" Peptides & Sarms

    if you need help setting up a new cycle, let me know
  2. DylanGemelli

    Pinning "old" Peptides & Sarms

    Definitely no on the peptides.. thats up to you on the sarms.. personally, i would not use them at a year old.. some will say they are just fine and they may or may not be but if you were my client, id tell you to definitely get everything new
  3. DylanGemelli

    Currently on AC-262, add another SARM to my cycle? Advice, thanks

    all three will enhance strength, s4 more than the other two ac262 will add more size than the others but its not drastically more s4 will be aimed toward lean muscle, muscle hardening and strength.. ac262 will give more size
  4. DylanGemelli

    Currently on AC-262, add another SARM to my cycle? Advice, thanks

    the receptor thing is just so ridiculous and shows nothing but a lack of real life experience and utter ignorance from people who spew that nonsense... s4 and acp105 both pair EXTREMELY well with ac262.. ive always had s4 at the top of my favorites list and would pick that between the two...
  5. DylanGemelli

    CJC with DAC

    yes, but most people stack it with ipamorelin.. the essentially go hand it hand together so i would suggest stacking them
  6. DylanGemelli

    Different test esters

    I would keep it the same.. its not like its a huge difference but just personally, i like to keep things as consistent as possible...
  7. DylanGemelli

    Recently had a Consultation Call with Pro Physiques

    Are you looking for a coach for diet, training and ped coaching or posing etc.?
  8. DylanGemelli

    Approved Mr. OIympia Speakers Poster and Registration

    Here is a list of the speakers this year at the Mr. Olympia... I could not be more honored to be on this panel! If you click on the poster it will direct you to registration for the event! I will be speaking on both Friday at Saturday at 10:15 and 1:00... On Friday i will be speaking at the...
  9. DylanGemelli

    Video The Fitness Journey of Monica Brant: Dylan Gemelli Podcast

    The Fitness Journey of Monica Brant: Dylan Gemelli Podcast
  10. DylanGemelli

    Video The Fitness Journey of Monica Brant: Dylan Gemelli Podcast

    The Fitness Journey of Monica Brant: Dylan Gemelli Podcast
  11. DylanGemelli

    First cycle

    no problem.. i just hate to see you waste time and money
  12. DylanGemelli

    First cycle

    the gw and sr dose is way too low.. its just throwing money away running it like that... its beyond pointless... it also makes no sense to say you are gong soft.. you pick the two with zero suppression that are non hormonal to go light on and pick the one with the good amount of suppression and...
  13. DylanGemelli

    Video Inside Monica Brant's Olympia Preparation: Dylan Gemelli Podcast

    Inside Monica Brant's Olympia Preparation: Dylan Gemelli Podcast
  14. DylanGemelli

    Video Inside Monica Brant's Olympia Preparation: Dylan Gemelli Podcast

    Inside Monica Brant's Olympia Preparation: Dylan Gemelli Podcast
  15. DylanGemelli

    Post injection Lumps

    i would try to go ventrogluteal as that is generally the least problematic spot
  16. DylanGemelli

    Planning next cycle

    huh? you dont need pct if you are on trt
  17. DylanGemelli

    Gauge recommendation

    i have always used a 25 gauge 1 inch
  18. DylanGemelli

    Next cycle

    how old are you? was this the first time you had blood work done? did you have it done pre cycle? as this blood work done during your current cycle?
  19. DylanGemelli

    Next cycle

    see this is where im so lost.. rcs DOES NOT in any way, shape or form sell test.. i have no clue where you are coming up with that? also, you dont just jump on trt ... thats NOT what you should ever do unless you medically need it.. how old are you? you need to sto p using the product you...
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