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    Caber Recommendations

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    Caber Recommendations

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    Winny from an approved sponsor

    Winny is milky white... I’ve only used Winny tabs but my bud has injected Winny in his quads several times and said it’s pretty smooth, no pain... so he says but don’t worry about it being milky white. The times I’ve seen it in person from diff manufacturers, it’s always been like that, from...
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    Caber Recommendations

    What up peeps?! Was wondering if anyone has a good recommendation on a source for buying some caber? I am looking for a few other items but caber is my priority. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    3rd Cycle of Test and Deca... Looking to switch things up a bit.

    It will be my third time and I just feel great on Test and Deca... my joints love me even more for it. After this cycle I will be looking to try some other cycles and step out of my comfort zone. I see you’re one of guys on here that always give some of the best advice so I will def hit you up...
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    3rd Cycle of Test and Deca... Looking to switch things up a bit.

    You’re the phucking man bro... def will take your advice. Thank you brotha! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    3rd Cycle of Test and Deca... Looking to switch things up a bit.

    Yea, kind of regret not picking up some NPP. Right now I’m just looking to try new gear/dose (while being safe) to see its effect on body comp, strength, mood, etc. right now I have some Oral Tren, winny tabs, tbol, dbol, deca, S4, Ostarine, GW, Test C and E... I’ll be trying some of these at...
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    3rd Cycle of Test and Deca... Looking to switch things up a bit.

    Thanks Kael... appreciate the words of wisdom. I will def look at the source section to pick up caber and if they have aromasin, I’ll give that a shot as well. I’m not gyno prone but since my dose is going up, I’d rather be safe than sorry. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    3rd Cycle of Test and Deca... Looking to switch things up a bit.

    Thanks DG, Questions... how long do you think I should run this cycle before returning back to my TRT dose? ...And once I acquire caber should I just hold back on it and wait to see how I react to the dose or should I just start taking it just in case any issues start to pop off? Appreciate any...
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    Superdrol vs Anadrol or Dbol

    Superdrol made me lethargic around week 4 but never ran it past 4 weeks at 40mg. Great strength but nothing like dbol. Love Dbol... it’s my go to oral but I don’t run it past 20mg which may seem pretty low to some but that dosage works for me without any sides and very little bloat. Great...
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    3rd Cycle of Test and Deca... Looking to switch things up a bit.

    Just joined the forums (already posted intro) and looking to gain some knowledge from some of you guys. So I have a few cycles under my belt. Mostly Test C/E and an oral (Dbol or Var). With that being said I have ran 2 test and deca cycles at (some would consider low ) doses 300mg test and...
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    Welcome/Introduction Thread

    Intro What’s up ladies and gents, Decided to join the forums after snooping around for a year or so and watching some of DG videos on Youtube. Mostly looking to learn from many of you, experiment as well and learn to keep and open mind when the expert/pros are giving advice/recommendations...
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