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  1. J

    Sarm Bulk cycle Help

    Appreciate all the help and info
  2. J

    Sarm Bulk cycle Help

    I started a bulk cycle on Monday and my hard head forgot to order rad-140 but I have lgd and mk-2866 for the 12 weeks can I just start the cycle and wait for the rad to arrive but should I keep up with my nutrition and workouts and wait for it to come and start everything. Any help would be...
  3. J

    First Time with tren

    I started first cycle rigt around 2yrs ago when I went overseas and did second cycle end of last year. Goals now I just want to gain as much lean mass as I can.when I started first taking I was 170 got up to 185 at the end and still at 12-13% bf second cycle got up to 215 then cut weight to 195...
  4. J

    First Time with tren

    So need a feedback on cycle. Just trying to be extra cautious. Stats Age-27 Weight 193 Height-5ft9 BF%-13 Previous cycles-1.Test S 500mg week and Cyle2- Test S 300wk Deca 300mg week. On both cycles ran Arimdex PCT both Clomid and Novadex Current cycle (Starting in Couple weeks) Test...
  5. J

    Okay thank you for the clarification. So I should just go Test 400 deca 300 week and Dbol for...

    Okay thank you for the clarification. So I should just go Test 400 deca 300 week and Dbol for the first four weeks. I think your video recommended that
  6. J

    Age-27 Height-5’9 Weight-190 BF-11% My goal is to do a bulking phase get up around 215 or up got...

    Age-27 Height-5’9 Weight-190 BF-11% My goal is to do a bulking phase get up around 215 or up got my full diet set with calorie surplus and workout plan.
  7. J

    Hey Dylan, Quick question I’m going to start my first cycle of tren (Not my very first...

    Hey Dylan, Quick question I’m going to start my first cycle of tren (Not my very first cycle just with tren included). I will taking tren ace and test e. I wanted to know what would be good mix to take (Dosage,PCT) I have anastrozol,tomoxafin,Clomid,HCG, Caber on the way(I’m not using...
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