Hey all, new to the forum.
Height: 170cm
Weight: 73kg
BF: 14%
Training for couple of years.
I've been looking into sarms for a while and fell upon this forum few days ago, seems like a helpful bunch of users. I've been considering a steroid cycle for a while but decided to start off with sarms...
Hey mate, thanks for the reply. Where abouts are new users supposed to introduce themselves? I only see 2 sections in this forum "Steroids and SARMS Information" & "Source Talk" both seem out of place for introductions. Most other forums I've been to have dedicated sub sections for intros...
Searched throughout forum and can't seem to find much regarding sources for Australia. There was a few sites i found from reddit but no user data to backup quality etc, they have feedback on there site but that can easily be faked.
I'm after the following:
Anabolicum (LGD-4033)