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  1. M

    Pharmalady Shipping Option

    Damn that was long
  2. M

    Sarms4sales td

    My order of LGD-4033 and Rad-140 came in today and woman it was freaky fast shipping! I started off with 10mg a day of Rad and 5 mg of Lgd-4033 for the 1st and man it nasty lol
  3. M

    Pharmalady Shipping Option

    Same here I would also would like to know
  4. M

    Apeshit lab

    Has anyone deal with this lab before
  5. M

    Male enhancement

    I’m interested Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. M

    Robo result

    Yes mostly just Tren ace and Test E I have to say that Tren started off real rocky like the acne was bad...but I just lower the dosage... pretty powerful stuff Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. M

    Robo result

    I look and feel great I didn’t go to hard but I like the result so far Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. M

    Robo result

    No but I will start
  9. M

    Robo result

    I just finish my cycle and I look great thanks to Robo! I would love to post pictures but don’t know how can someone help me with this
  10. M

    Pharmalady Specials Request

    Well since test is a the base of all things I think that should be on your list! Gotta have it!
  11. M

    Can I get a price list I listed my email

    Can I get a price list I listed my email
  12. M

    Can I get a price list

    Can I get a price list
  13. M

    Hey I would love that list

    Hey I would love that list
  14. M

    PCT source

    I’m located in the United States if that what your asking
  15. M

    PCT source

    Hey I need some help I’m about to start my 2nd cycle eq/Deca/ Tren E / Test cypionate....I know I will need a good PCT source and Pharma Lady is a good choice but had problem getting though the basic. Any domestic Source please and thank you
  16. M

    Can I get the bio list [email protected]

    Can I get the bio list [email protected]
  17. M

    Robo delivers once again

    What your email
  18. M

    Robo delivers once again

    [email protected] please email me
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