1. The discount code again for Let’s get checked .. Is Gemelli30 correct ?
2. Running S-23 and 400 Test cycle for 12 weeks then back on TRT dose.. Split S-23 dose AM and PM now is it 20MG a day or 30mg?
and yes I’m using Sarms 4 sale for S-23…
Recommend dosage for LGD-3303 ,and due to half life should that be split into two times a day? Was thinking 10 weeks?
Was going to throw some GW in there also ( love that stuff)...
On Domestic Supply’s shipping , do you have to sign for the package or is that just an option ? I’m not worried about it being stolen if left on my steps or in mailbox , i can have the girlfriend pick it up if at work …If I do have to sign I’ll have to work it around my work schedule, sometimes...
Currently running GW and 110% love it !!! Really interested in andarine (S4) but the Night Vision issue worries me ... I work shift work and they require me to see at night lol ... I watched DG videos on dosing to combat the vision side effects but still a little worried .I wouldn’t care if I...