I like mk2866, i will ask if i stack mk2866 in steroids cycle,
but the full pct also need mk2866, how to use mk2866 is better?
maybe can use mk2866 week 1-8, then stop, then start again when pct?
will over?
sorry for stupid question, MK677 will increase GH, GH will increase the size of body organs?
so MK677 will increase the size of heart?
thank for any information
for example, I just see dylan will say the sarms cycle like that,
so GW will run week1-16, can run GW 16 week? will over?
thank for any information
1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 Rad-140 (TESTOLONE) 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 ACP-105...
mk677 cycle prefer 6 months or more,
so if stack to my cycle, test and anavar cycle is 12 week then 4 week PCT,
so after PCT, still can only use MK677 until 6 months? no need stop all the drug?
thanks for any information