Hey gang, so my family dropped a Cancun trip on me MArch 22. I will be in week 6 of my 14 week cycle. Normally i dont travel while on gear but this is happening. i will be without SARMS, inhibitors, and my injectables for 1 week basically mid cycle. Any advice? How do you folks manage these...
Yo, so i have been getting frustrated over the lack of availbility for anti prrolactin products in my area of Canada and the border shipping issues that we all face here. BOOM today a trusted source of mine hooked me up. No Caber in sight but i am happy with this result. I start my cycle...
Being new to this group and forums in general can i get some security advice/links to protect me as a potential buyer? I followed a previous threads advice and signed up for Anonymousspeech but i wonder if this is enough. My I.T. knowledge is limited so nothing complicated is preffered...
Yo, how's tricks? I see many folks prefer one over the other when it comes to aromatase inhibitors. Arimidex seems to be the preffered product in my region. Both are available to me. In my short time in this forum it seems to me that most prefer Aromasin...is there a real benefit one way or...
Folks, i cant find a caber source in Canada as of yet...months of sourcing and nothing. Even a pro source check in my region came back and said nobody he knows uses it. What are my options...Prami?
Stay strong!