Age 45, 6'2" 220lbs around 9% bf
I run one cycle a year just to maintain my current stats. I'm not interested in putting on more size.
This is about the size I can keep on with one cycle a year.
I like using Tbol with a low dose of test. Test always gives me sides so I keep it under 250. I've...
I've read a lot about supplement that supposedly protect against hormonal side effects during a cycle.
Mainly the focus was on keeping testicular size / function, natural T and fsh production.
Many of them have only been animal tested. Some have shown great results... in mice :rolleyes:
I'm a dutch fan of your youtube channel and have a question.
I'm in my 40's and have done some cycles since my late 30's. 6'2 and 230lbs Been lifting since my teens.
I did some oral only cycles of winny + Anavar an t-bol only. (I know your oppinion on those)
Also did 400mg test and test...