Looking for some advice on a recomp / improved cardio stack
Almost 40 years old
Sitting at 225 15-18% bf
would like to trade 5+ lbs of fat for muscle over 16 weeks. even 20 weeks?
Last cycle of Tren killed my cardio and it is still not the same so here is my thoughts...
250-300mg test...
Reading on Myostatin and from what I have read is after 8 weeks basically your cycle is going to waste? If this is the case why is anyone blasting more than 8 weeks? Is there anything to combat Myostatin?
Hey guys in a bit of a panic as my TRT doctor just called and said I need urgent care... I came clean with my doses but he was saying my gear is not the cause..... has anyone else seen liver enzimes this high or if Dbol can inflate the numbers that high?
I dont have the test in front of me both...
Looking for some sarms to help with cardio endurance, have an important PT test coming up and my cardio is destroyed right now currently on test/deca/dbol
After watching Dylans new video just curious what you guys think I am at...
5'-10" 205lb morning weight stomach has a big scar that holds a bunch of fat....
Been bulking for months and months and put on a little body fat... not a huge deal as I am a competitive power lifter so it comes with the game, would like to get a good idea of a good powerlifting recomp / strength cycle. I must gain strength ....
5-10 230lbs 15% ish BF . a good solid 5...
So a friend of mine was sorta of telling me even at the same exact calories, and just an "upped cycle of test" will put on gains and body weight will increase just on the increased test alone.... silly questions but is this true?? I have always been a firm believe on eating consistent to get the...
Long time lurker first time poster, looking for some offseason advice for bulk / strength here is a bit of history about me...
Been competing at 191-198, quit for a while and lost some strength so this winters goals are to put a couple hundred lbs on my total and bulk up to 220 class..