Myself personally, i would rather run a longer more steady cycle. Rapid gains dissipate just as quick as they came on. Atleast with me that has always been the case.
you kinda answered your own question man, yea if your trying to recover then why would you run something that still suppresses you. Yea you could run cardarine or any other non suppressive sarm to "help" while your in pct.
That is a very high dose of anavar for a female. I think you should be careful with the further thought of another cycle. I feel like sarms would be far safer and still beneficial
All about being realistic and understanding the body and how to minimize losing what you gained. If you said hey this is my first aas cycle im running anadrol and test at 500mg + and then you were going to pct of course then i would say you will for sure lose most of it especially since your...
that's pretty good size in my opinion man. Aesthetic for sure unless your body fat is off. I am about 210 at 5'10 11-12%. Would love to be 220-225 at 9%
I use my bathroom mirror as my body fat scale. Came with my place which was pretty cool too. Lol, to be honest, from my experience those scales are so far off. For a scale that cheap i wonder how well it really works...
I think waiting a year or two and atleast until he's fully educated is clearly best. Age means nothing if you do not know what your doing with AAS. Shit, i started at 19 man. Wouldnt have if i could go back for sure.
Oh man I have tons of experience with Msten and many other orals similar to it. I will say this, the size gain is very good, I’m a great responder to it. I’ve done 2 or 3 cycles of it (years ago) great stuff for size but it’s very harsh on your liver. Not sure if more toxic then anadrol but I...
I’m pinning currently E3D with the test and npp in the same barrel. Okay thanks guys, I’ll lower it for sure and see if I notice much difference with the bloat. Not wanting to go through arimidex like water anyways.
Okay thanks Dylan, wanted to try out the 500mg test to see how I would feel on it. I’ve never tried the big test cycles before. Do you think Ill get any less results by lowering my test to say 350?
Hmmm okay yea that has me thinking. I’ve never once ran test over 250 or used npp or deca before. Just wanted something a bit more mild. I was initially going to run my test at 250 or 350 but wanted to get the most out of my cycle so wanted to try to go for 500 but I knew bloat was going to...
Im currently 1 week into 500mg Test cyp and 400mg NPP PW. Ive been taking 0.25mg of arimidex daily and 300mg of B6. Only a week in so its too early to tell of any Prolactin issues but the only thing ive noted is im bloating a bit for sure. I upped my arimidex dosage to 0.5mg every day to help...
unless your wanting to be 28 like myself on trt and pinning myself every week for the rest of my life then id suggest dropping the cycle. 250mg is going to suppress you 100% and i really do not think you'll be that impressed with the results...unless your making money off your physique or a...
Pretty much why I lay off from answering so many. Not only do they want cookie cutter answers but some of the questions I’m not even sure where to start with an answer besides saying you have no business touching this stuff. Gets tiring typing the similar answers at some point. X2 respect your...
I always thought the more popular way to run it was tren higher then test for less sides. I ran 300 tren 150 test and libido was great but sides were harsh.