i only do domestic now. you could use two different sources but many have a minimum and depending what you need you may not meet the minimums for one of them. Ive only used robo, domestic and the quality is as good as you can find it.
lol would agree. some guys lose even on trt, their hair follicles just cant take the higher dht levels. Every male in my family has passed with a full head of hair.
All of them to some degree, but it all depends if your prone to the male pattern baldness gene. I can run Tren, mast, Winny without losing a single hair or issue thank god
same here, orals give me great results but i blood work shows the negative effects. Only oral i ever consider running anymore and into the future is winstrol
when i did tren ace i did m,w,f for injections. Same with the others though, only 2 cycles in and tren might be a bit much for this early, Im using NPP (deca) now and it doesnt even hold a candle to tren in terms of sides. I would wait man
come here to ask a question than argue the answer your receiving is incorrect by the head moderator. Figure your own question out dude, apparently you know better
Could be many things but I’m on the same cycle actually higher dosages and I have 0 sides to report of besides feeling great. How much water are you taking in?
i would start at 5mg ED or EOD (your call) to avoid the flu-like symtoms. flu might not even be the best way to describe it but i felt like i had a bad cold for sure. Just start at 5 like i said and work your way up. I have zero sides now and i love cialis. Unfortunately going forwards i cant...
Thr Lit’s they sell at GNC are intense and taste great, APS mesomorph is great pre as well. I quit taking pre workouts a long time ago. Coffee and carbs does it for me and cheaper...
Hey my guy, as a rep you’ve always been quick on your feet and quick to resolve an issue. Your appreciated here on the forum and I look up to you as an older mentor with your knowledge. I’ve learned a ton more just from reading your post. Best of luck on your future endeavors but glad to see you...
I put a good amount down in vegas last year on tren/mast/winstrol. No issues to report of, was incredibly dry and vascular the next day at the pool from being dehydrated. On orals i would be more hesitant. I drink a few times a year. Like Dylan said, nothing good is going to come of it, just use...