My joints felt great on NPP, could push heavier for sure but you want to be careful with that mind set man. Reason being is you may push yourself harder through an existing injury because the deca is making everything feel fine but when you come off you will be in much worse shape and in more...
You certainly do not want to be hooked on Tren. I think you are far safer popping 20mg cialis to get the job done long term then using tren or even very high masteron. maybe some proviron + Cialis
I would agree with all of this, My sex drive on 300 Ace, 200 Test E was through the roof. Trt or even 500mg test doesnt get me anywhere near what it was on that cycle. I like tren E better, doesnt seem to hit as hard but the sides are way less for me.
I was wondering if he would ever do winny tabs, usually had to find a different source until i saw he added these (I wont even attempt to pin injectable winny). great addition, i look forwards to snagging some this year. Let me know how you like them
RR is setting it straight for you man. And also no offense but there is no way your near your natural genetic potential. When you come off the gear your going to go back to where you started simply because you haven’t built a foundation. What does your diet consist of and what is your training...
I havent been in to donate since ive been on TRT but i need to go check where mine are at. My RBC's have never gone out of range as quick as many others just from cycling in general. No symptoms either but like i said, smart to checkup every quarter
Are you going onto TRT or taking a cycle and hoping to recover after? If TRT, you will feel a hell of a lot better (personal experience). I was at 215 for 6 months before going TRT and felt terrible daily, gained tons of fat and lost all of my muscle, for 5-6 months now ive been on 200mg Cyp and...
Wanted to see if anyone has heard of this supplement, my good friend steve who is prepping for a summer competition recommended this to me as a pre-workout. He said its meant to be taken right after an insulin injection. I can imagine with all the carbs and sugar in it it would make guys put on...
I would start the test cyp 4 weeks prior to introducing the tren ace, like cbbram said, the tren ace will kick in a lot quicker then test cyp and you will want the test already in your system before you get the tren sides. Some guys run tren without test. Im on TRT so that isnt an option for me...
Not surprised they’ve always been under suspicion and I have followed braun for awhile. Their super dmz 2.0 and Alpha 1 max was insane when I tried it. Huge gains!!! Then In 2015 FDA cracked down on them and they had to technically discontinue sale of them.
Personally bro, I think tren at 200mg would do just fine with your TRT, ive even considered that dosage going forwards for a small cut but i wouldnt use it until you get some more experience. Tren is tren no matter what the dosage may be so i would go with something a bit less potent. Dylan...
I just got done with 400NPP and 500 mg test C. Ran 300mg b6 daily and 0.25mg Arimidex each day. Not a single issue on my end. Keep in mind that’s my body not yours. You may need caber. And no a multi will not have enough b6, you can buy just b6 for like $7 on eBay
I would run the test the same to start or under but that’s just me. First run with Tren ace was 300 Tren A 200 test E. Best cycle I’ve ever done, best results and best I’ve ever looked. I pinned EOD, no way in hell im pinning ED I absolutely hate it but I’m sure sides are less if you go that...