Tons of crappy sources out there man. Tons, atleast from my experience you many that send the gear and such but are underdosed...Im sure there are several good on this board but only one i can vouch for and speak for is 1-stop domestic shop. No affiliation at all, just an active member on here...
Damn dude looking full and staying lean on the TRT dose. I’m cruising on 250mg of pinnacle and am liking it!! Eating super clean and just kinda “maintaining” but to be fully honest, I feel better and overall look much better on this pinnacle test than I did before using it. I either really want...
This^^^ way worth the extra dollar to get your package. I don’t mess with international anymore. Domestic is the way to go. In the end it’s cheaper anyways, because your getting your product. If you lose it, then your out all of that money
Winstrol much stronger from my experience. Much harsher overall on health, joints etc.. but worth the money. Anavar did nothing for me. Had some solid workouts and hardening on winny.
Some guys are just too cheap to buy an AI supply. Huge mistake unless your staying at a very low trt dose where you know your E2 is staying in range. I absolutely need one! High test, normal E2, great results whether cutting or bulking. Great video Dylan!
amen to this post! i can relate very well! life before TRT i was always trying to recover, once i dabbled with tren it totally shot my test from recovering. Anyways, yes tons of brain fog. I almost felt sick or like a dying feeling before TRT. My quality of life is night and day now before i...
i THINK most people do it around the belly button area. Just to the side of it a bit. yeah its just as effective from my knowledge but a slower release and peak for bloods
Haha exactly what i was thinking. AAS just get a bad rep in general, in many cases the effects or how they work are much different than what some realize. Penis shrinkage smh...
LOL that is funny, my girlfriend does not say anything about steroids or my use. She only says "Just dont do anything thats going to hurt you now or later" Cracks me up though when people come up with these myths and thoughts about it when they clearly have no clue. Im on 750mg Test and 10mg...
Are you talking adrenal fatigue from just over training? I get it all the time and over train like hell. all the gym trainers at my place give me shit for it. I was out of town all last week for work, came back this week strong and feeling so much better mentally. I would just take a week off if...