I've recently just discovered that I will have to leave for work around March and it will be a week before I get back.
Can I discontinue my cycle for a week and get back on right after?
Will I experience any suppression issues? I can't use any PCT gear while I'm there.
My Stack is the...
The following contains the concentrations of what I'm planning on taking for this cycle:
rad-140 - 10 mg/ml
lgd-4033 - 10 mg/ml
s4 - 50 mg/ml
mk2866 - 50 mg/ml
It is a liquid bottle with a dropper so I'm fairly sure the administration is oral. There are no other details about the concentration on the item but according to the source it is 30 ml per bottle.
Just got my blood work done.
So I start my cycle this week with the following stack:
They are all in liquid form and I don't know the proper dose or even how to administer it.
Proper advice and guidance would be much appreciated. Thank you!
My law exam is coming up and I'm looking for a recommended source for cognitive enhancers like Modfinil (Provigil).
Is there anything anyone would use or recommend for their stack?
More importantly how would it interact with my Sarms cycle?
I've been looking to add either one or both to my existing stack since I've heard such glowing reviews from people at the gym.
I'd be happy if someone else could share their experiences with the community here.
Would anyone recommend it?
I've been waiting a while for my shipment but apparently it's finally left customs so I'm going to need to jump into my cycle.
For both my pre and post cycle blood work, what do I look for? And how frequently should I have it done?
My current stack looks something like this:
I haven't started it yet since I'm waiting on the shippment. What other peptides, pro hormones and sarms could I add to cut even faster?
Thank you for your reply Dylan, I've read many mixed reviews on clenbuterol, from your experience how risky is it? And are the side affects reversible?
I've heard AICAR is a good alternative, what are your thoughts on it?
Thank for your reply cbbram. As it stands Cardarine is already a part of my arsenal, however, I was thinking of using clen as part of a PCT since my research indicates it's great for muscle preservation.
Do you know anything regarding the CY3 stack? It includes clenbuterol, Yohuimbine and T4.