Lmao.....I read three threads on that forum when trying to learn about AAS and SARMS and I could just tell they were sketchy. So glad I found this forum.
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That's messed up....he could of gotten to that level without all that crap at his age. He's going to regret it big time in the future...if he even lives past 18 :/
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How old are you? I'm going to let the experts chime in but I know they recommend either SARMS or testosterone as a stand alone on your first cycle.
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Haha weed can be used for so many situations. Honestly can replace so much pills that big pharma shoves down people's throats....
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I've heard nothing but good things about pharma lady. Everything she sells is quality stuff. If it wasn't she wouldn't be a sponsor here :)
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Re: RE: Re: putting on weight withostarine on caloric deficit
I really hope he meant 1600 and even then don't you think that's pretty low for a 177 pound male...?
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Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: First time doing blood work
Should I still get the blood work done then just to see where I'm at? I have no idea what low t symptoms are. I'm assuming I don't have it but I could be wrong?
Re: RE: Re: RE: First time doing blood work
I'm only 21 so I have plenty of time before I actually start thinking about using AAS. Unless my test levels are super low :shock:. I haven't read anything about sarms really affecting like blood pressure or anything like that. I'm assuming those...
What values should I be concerned with before starting a sarms stack and if I decide to go to the doctor instead what kind of test should I ask for? I'm going to see if it's cheaper to get it done through the doctor or privatelab.
I use to never like anyone who smoked pot until I actually tried it myself. It is the best medicine ever. Especially when you are stressed about shit and can't get your mind off it. It has really helped me get through a lot of stuff in my life.
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