I'll have to look around to find a picture at 145. My goal right now is to just gain as much size as I can so I have a greater potential at being stronger at bench, squat, and deadlift. My shoulders have always been my strongest point. I've been trying to hit my chest hard to bring it up to par...
I think after my PCT I'll decide whether I want to start my cut or keep on bulking. I just wanted to make sure I'm not entering that realm of "dreamer bulk" and become too fat.
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Well I started my SARMS cycle during August and it is almost to an end. I went from 145 to 170 pounds during that time. I'm thinking about continuing up to 180-190 pounds but I'm not sure if that is the wisest choice. I figured I'd ask you guys to help me with this choice.
So the pictures...
I do both as I'm venturing into a mix of powerlifting and bodybuilding. I do my heavy compounds first then finish off the muscles with 10-20 reps with isolation movements. It's been working great for me!
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After I do a rad 140 standalone cycle (right after I'm done with the PCT on this one) I'm going to run sr9009, gw, mk677, and s4 for my cut.
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Nope I'm always eating because my metabolism is so intense. I'm bulking so I eat so much that I don't really enjoy food at the moment. [emoji28]
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So I'm getting close to the end of my 12 week cycle of s4/LGD. I was doing upper body and before I started using these, I never really showed any veins
This is a picture from yesterday's workout. I couldn't get a good picture of the other side but there were a lot more veins then just that one...
Thanks everyone for replying! I will definitely be focusing on adding lay width and work on my chest and biceps a lot more! :)
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Haha yeah I really need to get away from the whole powerlifting mindset that I still have. I'm still trying to get a routine going for this as well so if anyone can help me along this lines I'd really appreciate it :)
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Yeah I've been recently just hammering the hell out my lats at the gym. I have a 28 inch waist so I figured that it was fairly tiny compared to many peoples and I could use it as an advantage. I feel like with my chest it's my upper portion that lacks the most. I've never really been lower than...
So I've been really thinking about it and I think I want to start training for a physique competition. The problem is I don't really know if I have the genetics to win. I don't just want to go in and not because I absolutely hate losing. So I figured you guys wouldn't sugar coat it and just give...
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: LGD
Yeah I'm in the long term mindset. I want to make sure I can get the most out of everything before I touch any anabolic.
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Re: RE: Re: LGD
Well this is my first cycle of ANYTHING. I don't want to really add in anything else yet. Plus I'm only 21 so I have time to experiment still. I think when I'm around 25 I'll start looking into proviron and other substances.
Re: RE: Re: LGD
Yeah I don't plan to increase it much at all during my bulk. After this bulk if the sides at 75 aren't bad at all I will try ramping it up to 100 during my cut. I already know it HAS to be in my cutting cycle.
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