OP: Lower back problems are no joke. Anabolic steroids are not the answer at all. If I were you I'd focus on light stretching of your lower spine and core strengthening movements. Possibly a yoga class for a month or two. Speeding back without proper time to adequately heal will only lead to...
I think this would be great! I'm always looking for tips or tricks to better my workouts. Plus, this would add some solid content to the diet and training subforum.
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Looks like you have grown in each aspect you're measuring. Over the past 6 weeks how have your strength gains been, any PRs? Keep killen it bro! We're all here to support.
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Very interesting. He looks great. You mentioned diet, do you know what type of diet was he running that produced these results?
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I'm a little stunned, what a gesture! A man of high character. Great example for me as we enter this giving season. Totally made my day.
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Spiked is right Mr C. glad to have you back and we'll be looking forward to hearing about your adventures.
Rick- you must see all, you totally nailed it. Well done.
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Yeah, that or cialis. I think he jumped on as a precaution for his elevating BP. I believe on another thread he mentioned limping in after his wife's bday weekend. Lucky bastard.
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He has been hitting it hard. You're probably right...well it's that or the Viagra has him locked up in the bedroom with better things to do.
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Those look awesome. Any way I can isolate and target muscle groups more effectively I'm all for. Any idea what they run?
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Jack- First, thank you for your service. We all owe you a debt.
Second, you're kicking ass bro! Def look leaner, size is up too! Nice work!
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I think I replied to another thread, but can't seem to see it. I'd be in for for Aromison, clomid, nolva and cialis. The Log would start right away.
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