TD!!! Feel like a big tool complaining about delivery and lack of tracking updates. It arrived exactly 4 weeks after placing the order. Don't make the same mistake I did. Just be patient and go to the gym.
Well the bad news is 3 weeks later and based off the tracking numbers my original order hasn't moved. Good news is, my PCT which was ordered a week later should arrive this week. Hoping there's truth in that some tracking numbers just don't update.
Just as I posted on another thread... I should have clarified that I used a different source. Reading other people's delivery stories is like some sick self punishment fetish I have.
I know I know. I'm placing an order through a domestic source so whenever it gets here so be it. Not sure I've read a thread of someone complaining they have too much gear.
I ordered after the holidays and two weeks later still not much progress. Was feeling good about it for a while but damn... There's gotta be a better way.