38 years old
5ft 7in
17% BF
Experienced sportsman [Athletics/Rugby/Football]
Goal is recomposition/Aesthetic
I'm currently on my first cycle [300mg TE over 10 weeks] and I lost 4% body fat in the first month but I'm looking at options for further weight loss and T3 cropped up...
I've been looking at/researching the use of T3 recently and wondered whether anyone had any personal experiences of using it they could feed back to me?
The other key question is that I know it is catabolic and will break down muscle so what have people stacked it with? Would be be sufficient...
Dylan, do you physically have a 'shop' in the US? Or is everything done via the internet?
I'll be in the USA over the summer and if you physically have a store I'd love to visit.
I hope Dylan and the admin team don't mind this post but I felt compelled to write something because, having been an active member of this forum for the last week or so, most of the posts are from guys looking to use anabolic's for the first time and even as an 'inexperienced user' I've been...
Dylan, as I mentioned to you before your videos have become paramount to me in the planning of my first cycle, and I'm sure 1000's of others would say the same. I was wondering what had happened when I searched for one of your videos earlier only to see that the channel had been taken down.