Can some tell me how they would run a mini PCT cycle with enclomiphene how many weeks how many mg a day would you do 2 weeks higher dose then drop it down ect. Also what's people thoughts on enclomiphene liquid
I am thinking about running ostarine and rad 140 but not at the same time can anyone advise what the best order is to run these like 1-6 ostarine 7-12 rad140 13-16 Clomid or would it be better to run rad first then ostarine. Another possibility is run one and then PCT and wait some time...
Hi All
Was going back and forwards between rad140 and other sarms to do a cycle and now set on rad140. I plan to start a Rad140 8 week cycle with pct clomid 4 weeks. My question is I have watched alot of videos saying best to have a testosterone base when taking sarms but I'm not on TRT so how...
Hi Dylan thanks for the reply. Which one would you say is the best to add the most muscle in in say 12 weeks with the least chance ro lose hair? Also would I need to rethink the Mini pct 13-16, Clomid 50/25/25/25 if using these. Sorry to question so much just first time and want to get the best...
Hi all first time here and forst post,
I'm thinking about running the following cycle but have worry about the RAD140 and hair loss die to already an issue. Can anyone give a better option other than RAD140.
1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 Rad-140...