Hi guys i am new here
Trainning from 3 years now
5 cycles under my belt
I have used deca test tri tren eq before
Age 24
Height 5"11
Body weight 81 kgs
My goal is to reach 105 kgs
My pre contest cycle will go from 11 dec 2017
The cycle will go like this
1-4 dbol 40 mgs ed (kick start)
Hi Dylan Sir
I saw your video of Deca Durabolin 3 weeks back
A week back i started this cycle
The cycle goes like this
1-12 Deca 400 mg
1-12 Test E 500 mg
1-4 Anadrol 50 mg
1-12 Lgd 4033 10 mg per day
1-12 Aridimex 0.5 eod
1-12 Caber every 3 days
I am just following your Videos only
My goal is...
Sir i dont want to disturb you by again texting. N texting
If it is possible for you can you make a full c contest preparation cycle for me That will be so kind of tou
It is request to you
Now Sir i want to start the cycles because i have very less time..Can you please help me out
From bulking to cutting n what to do in yhe last days of competition and what should be the diet
Sir i have 2 years of trainning under belt
I started my cycle this year on jan 2017 n finished the cycle on 10 may
Now from 13th may till now i am not on cycle but trainning naturally now my plan is to start cycles from 1st september 2017 ...one of the trainners mis guided me.now sir i needyour...
Hi sir i am from india ( kashmir )
I saw your all and really liked them
I am planning a bulking cycle for 16 weeks
I am starting your cycle of
Equpoise Deca test &tbol
I have some confusions i need your help
Pl help
I live very much far
Our state does not have trainers n nutritionists
I need...