So I should stop injecting in the shaft for growth? Just kidding but it's a bigger topic in the body building world than one may think.
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Well the debate is starting as of now, who has the best hair, Dylan or his wife?? Just kidding gotta get out and enjoy life man!
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I used it full cycle with s4 and never had a loss of pumps. If anything it helped because to get pumps you have to push yourself in which case gw helps in the stamina department.
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Oh shit Idk man the electric slide is a staple in the below 800 club. I'm not sure you wanna give that up! But hilarious none the less he will love this. Almost as good as the video your family posted of you earlier
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Save your money and do it the right way man. Gotta have patience with stuff like this. Better to have it all and start rather than the what ifs that could happen and mess things up.
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I know right, and I've been looking at everyone's shoulder routines. Pros and all trying to see some new and different variations to have a go at for the next 6 months for results but I'll add yours to the list as well. Or how about you make some training videos man that would be an awesome...
I just watched a Seth feroce video about the blood into that muscle and the dif angles to hit he same one also. So makes sense. All are valid points on this thread and ultimately have to find what works best for my body
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Ok so now that I go to the gym later with the wife I have about an hour and 20 minutes s before she gets home after me. So can I do cardio for like 45 mins and then about 20 mins later head to the gym with her or is that to long of a break between? How long is to long I guess is my question...
Awesome video man. I'm hoping to get to a level I've never been on my next cycle and I've included tren just for this reason. But gotta put the work In or the results won't come regardless.
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