Nothing else. No diet changes. No anxiety. I've come to the conclusion that it is directly related to how hard I can push myself now. The volume of our training has increased exponentially due to the effects of the SARMs. I mean my performance is off the charts now. I heavy oly lift with...
My bad Dylan, I miss-typed. I started at the 1ml or 20mg/day recommended dose 30 minutes before workout. I CrossFit so my heart rate stays above 150bmp for extended periods of time throughout the 3 metabolic pathways during metcons. The first day on GW I thought my heart was going to explode and...
Does it contain a stimulant? If so, does anyone know what it is? I have reduced my dosing to .75ml(38mg)/day and I'm still having problems getting to sleep at night.
PR'd again tonight on squat clean at 245#, barely missed at 250# and completely TORCHED the metcon. The GW is really kicking in now. I also started the S4 a few days ago. Shits getting real and Im only a few weeks in.
Ok guys, I've been taking it a bit easy the last week due to the chest injury but I've still been crushing the WODs compared to usual. I can tell you, though, that these things heal you at a noticeably accelerated rate. Holy shit.
All of my Oly lifts are going up exponentially. All of our...
I just started a 12 week cycle of MK2866, GW501516 and will add S4 in a few days. I think I might have either strained or slightly pulled my right pec during a metcon last night that included a shit ton of ring dips. If a strained/pulled muscle normally takes 6 weeks to heal, what does that time...
Thanks Dylan. Great advice as always. I'm ordering the sarmsx AI now. What is considered abuse? Doses over 25mg/day or is it more extreme like 30+mg/day? Of course I would NEVER contemplate going over 25mg/day, just curious about the conditions that might cause these issues.