Hey everyone, I’m looking for a good suspension vehicle that can carry the raws of aromasin, dbol, prami, clomid and nolva unfortunately humco is not really available in Australia. Can I have you suggestions
I’ll try ask this question again so youse can understand it better. Ps I’m not on trt this is just a curiosity question.
When blasting gear, say I’m on a cycle of 500 test, my test levels are at a super high level so my e2 is also going up at a fast rate which gives me sore/sensitive nipples so...
yea I know, I mean for trt. I have only ever cycled and was just wondering if you could get gyno on a low dose of test without noticing it growing then once you notice it boom no way to fix it and surgery is the only option. Or will you always feel it before it comes? When your cycling your at...
Yea wasn’t really expecting to blow up from it. I’m already on 1.3iu for life and was thinking about upping my dose just for the cycle. I’ll most likely end up doing adding it at 4iu for 12 weeks.
Hey guys, I was just wondering if you can grow gyno without feeling it happening? Like say if your on trt sitting between 900-1000ng/dl can you slowly grow gyno without have sore or itchy nipples? If yes, how would you combat this? Is gyno surgery the only way?
Hey guys, got a blood work question. Can I use hcg to boost lh and fsh to a normal level on trt while also maintaining fertility? Saying if a doctor sees my blood work and looks at my testosterone, LH and FSH levels it would be like I wasn’t taking anything, seeming I had the right dosages
Yeah, I guess it depends on the individual aswell, I know someone who got deca dick off 500 test 250 deca which dosent seem like a really massive cycle.
If I were to run nandrolone would npp be a better option or deca? Don’t really care about the bloat but more so mental and physical sides...
Test was good. I tolerate it well just got some acne on my back from it but not heaps. I have a little gyno in my right nipple from puberty so atm the highest test dose id go would be 600 which I did last cycle