got it, thanks a lot for all your help. I just got my bottle from sarmsx, and I know that i should not mix the dropper with water and just put it straight in my mouth, but is it ok to drink water after to wash it down? And can I eat after I take it? I am planning to take it every day first thing...
Ok point taken. I will definitely do the PCT. The mini PCT 1 on sarmsx is one full dropper of each every day for a month, correct? and should these be taken in the morning?
thanks for your replies! I am 19 and in college, so I am not trying to spend too much money on sarms-- I have a few friends who had good results from ostarine alone, so I figured I would give it a try. I am 5'11 180 with 12% bf. My goals are mainly just body recomp-- getting my body fat down and...
Hey all, I am new to sarms and am about to start my first cycle of Ostabolic. I originally purchased a pill version of MK-2866 from "Diesel Labs" but after reading these threads i tossed the bottle and purchased Ostabolic from sarmsx, as it is my understanding that pill versions of sarms are...