So I was planning on getting bloods done in the coming weeks but privatemdlabs and labsmd dont provide services for residents in NY/NJ. Any advice on where else I should look or what I should do?
Not a strain or pull because its not an issue when im not working out. Its also happened on different sides of the rectus abdominis (6 pack muscles not obliques)
Hard to say exactly. Im 6'0 207 right now up from 195 pre cycle. My body naturally doesn't hold too much fat being im a hard ecto and I still have visible abs so id say somewhere in the 13-15% range
Possibly, but that's not the only time it happened. Another time i was doing crunches on a bench then bodyweight tricep dips and it happened during dips. One time I was only doing abs and mid set i could feel my abs tighten like it was about to cramp so I just stopped. Im only bringing up deca...
Definitely muscular. The other day I was supersetting sit ups on the decline holding the bar and hamstring curls.. on my second round i got a cramp (ab) doing hamstring curls. Even reaching down after it stops to grab my phone from the floor I can feel it tighten up. I only do abs about once...
7 weeks into 500 test 300 deca and seeing great gains (2nd cycle). I'll occasionally get these debilitating ab cramps near the end of my workouts and ill have to end my workout. Legit feels like someone is trying to rip my stomach out. I have been working out longer in the gym about 115-145...
I know the Test is kicking in now, huge energy boost and lower back pumps. The best part of AAS use that I've noticed in my short span of cycling (this is my second) is the mental awareness of your body that you obtain from training. Not only the stretch/contract in an individual muscle group...
Thanks Rick, guess I'm getting greedy. I was also only able to do upper body and calves with the knee issue, so that could be a contributing factor. Tested the knee out Saturday and I was able to hit some one-legged leg presses and lunges pain free. I've been out 5-6 weeks now with this...
Week 4 Update
Thru 4 weeks so I'm done with Dbol, now waiting for the build up of test and deca to progress. Overall I wasn't amazed with Dbol, I'm at 204 now (+9lbs) which is fine but was hoping for 15. Never had a massive strength increase but solid first experience with an oral (liquid...
I would stay away from tren until you understand what you're taking. My first cycle was testE 300 for 6 weeks then 600 for 6 weeks with great results. The reason for a test only first cycle is to see how your body reacts to test and the aromatization (conversion to estrogen) that comes with...
I usually try to leave a little needle sticking out. I guess its just a hazing process injecting virgin muscles. If you're just doing test, hitting each glute once a week is the way to go. I'm nervous to hit quads but I feel like they would be the easiest to inject.
I'm assuming you mean leggings in this case. In the beginning I thought the same thing "Look at these fags in their spandex." It took me a while to give in but once I bought a pair and tried them, I became a fan (have to wear shorts over them). Wearing them when you're not doing legs is wrong...
Injected delts for the first time on Monday .75ml in one and 1ml in the other. Sore AF still. Is the first injection in a virgin muscle always the worst?
Week 3 Update
Took 40mgs ed of Dbol this week. I was originally tentative about taking Dbol because of the gyno stories but it seems like aromasin is doing its job as I haven't had any sensitivity issues. Overall strength increase hasnt been noteworthy but endurance and pumps have been...