Can you let me know what dose I thought in your video you said 50 mg a day be little to no sides . Did hear it's hard on your hair but that's expected
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The only reason I was thinking of switching the test at the end so I didn't have a bunch of sustanon rolling in to my pct why clearing because it has even later esters
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I was thinking that but I kinda want to go big with this one and put on as much as I can because I'm going going to do one cycle this year instead of two and I always completely come off everything except mk677
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I was thinking anadrol because it's not wet but still unsure about it and have been studying a lot about it . I just heard dbol is great on the mind and mood.
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I just thought I would have to run aromasin higher then my normal aromasi. Dose which is 25 ed so your saying just roll with that and if I feel water or sensitive up the aromasin
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Stats 5"7 height
Normally 206lbs but down to 185 working to 11 %for my bulk cycle
Bf 12%
Age 34
Training 8 years
Not on gear right now just mk677
Last cycle was test /deca 500/500
Aromasin ed at 25
Pct was isarms protocol
I wanted to run dbol with my next cycle of...
I think the bigger bullshit is the forums that we're back him with the sale of fake ass gear !!!! They should all be called out
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Brother what was your goal on doing this your self ? Trt is a slow climb it's long term , your trying to get short term results that's not the answer . Skip his blood work let things level out and follow your docs road map to get your test we're it needs to be very simple . But if your going to...
I feel everyone is different with deca I love it I get nice dry clean mass from it .
For me the mass didn't hit till week 8 or so I think 14 weeks is a nice run with deca . Proviron through the whole cycle on deca is a turbo charger . Very mild as well
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It's all apart of the game money is money but when you step on this field you have to be willing to part with it as a donation if things happen . Titan is top notch and anyone who has know him knows he's a honest good dude for us brothers . Hopefully we get a update on if he is ok .
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I just feel mk677 takes awhile to drop weight is more to me like a slow steady drop . Not going to drop fat like if you were running 8 ius of real growth . It's always been better for look for me like full and round. To me it sounded like he wanted something fast and mk is not at least for me it...
Cup of oats peanut butter scoop
Half glass of egg whites and berries with a scoop of protein for flavor
Mid morning snack apple and nutts
Lunch two chicken breast
Cup of white rice and greens
Another shake like you did in morning minus the pats
Dinner truck sausage like 4-6...