Personally I think you should give SARMs a shot over AAS , some people have great success with GW / sr9 as far as your goal to meet 220 from 270 in conjunction with your improving diet and if you feel your not strong or whatever there are a lot of SARMs that can help in this area aswell my...
Your in the source section but before anyone can give advice they need to know your height weight bf% goals gym experience ... How often you lift .... Your diet .... Seemed like a simple question but it requires more for a complex answer
I'm going hard as fuck from the start I don't care about anything but being the best anymore !!! If I died but my name lasted through the ages with a legacy of awesomeness then I did my job !!!!
Today was 10miles 150 heart rate , 7:30 / 8 pace I was trying to push myself just wasn't happening kept getting comfortable and cruising I don't really know if GW is actually helping cause my times aren't changing from what I can tell all that much for running anyways but when I'm doing...
I've read 2 logs on mk677 now and I have my own bottle but a lethargic side effect is a complete turn off for me I have to be up hopping and popping in the endurance world
Just letting you know bro first off welcome to the saving grace which is our community but I highly doubt Dylan would suggest you run tren on such low experience why not just run a test cycle ? Get used to the pinning .. See how your body reacts .. Tren is the king of it all man and it can cause...
Nobody here is gonna give there advice and knowledge without a couple things man , one age weight bf% experience with aas and experience over all ....sorry I'm tired I guess the thread name is my first cycle well 100% of the heavy hitters here generally always suggest test only first cycles and...