I just got my storm, and in extremely interested in how your cardio hasn't suffered did you do 16.5? Really curious as to how you did I've stayed away from my stash cabinet purely because I want to do that stuff so bad but I need my endurance ATM
No but seriously, I just got the vivoactive cause the fenix3 on my wrist for hours of running oisses me off if recommend it but anyways what is your heart rate at when it starts saying your burning fat ? How big are you just curious
No , the Fitbit community and theory on zones is 100% accurate you're going to have to make sure they thing on your wrist says your biting fat to be 100% sure you are man
This thread has been super informative I just landed a touchdown of 5 bottles of tren Storm , I've never ran tren before and I am gonna use your protocol every 3 days if it's working that good I'm super excited !! Bye what test are you using ?
I'm really into me I don't really ever care if a girl cheats cause that just means I can stop pretending to like some of the bullshit they do and get back to me hahah but sounds like your good to go
In my experiences "good girls" don't go to parties with such "pigs" not saying your girl is a lying cheating whore what was her exact reaction when her ass got slapped ? Did you feel at any point she liked the attention ? And last question what age group is this and time together ? Are her...
First off post your age and stats and experience , second off I would never buy any sort of SARM from anyone but sarmx.com they have outlaw in there name outlaws rob people that's been my first red flag , once you answer these questions and buy a good product we can chat
If I don't get picked I will smash your face into a car windshield, and then take your mother, Dorothy Phurious mantooth, out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again.
That's cause it's a generation of lazy. You have to get on there level like a video game so Dylan's videos are our best shot , unfortubately it would seem he's gonna have to go to great lengths jn videos probably as far as showing some how to wipe there asses
Anyways could have something to do with it but I'd immediately get aromasin , and really start eating right regardless of work if your environment isn't right your cycle is gonna be useless and I'm assuming sense you didn't have a AI you didn't get a pct either ?