NY just keeps bringing the his game to the game, and keeps winning. Come on man, i got some spare change to spend soon. Need to add more to my Scandinavian genetic make up
Before i made my first post, i used the search button to get info on specifics i was interested in. I saw you, Dylan and Rick just giving straight up truth, you more straight to the point most. No sugar coating or reach arounds with sweet whispers. Just the straight truth, you earned my...
NO chance in hell anyone is going to condone you using anadrol at the age of 19. Unless you have some medics condition, you shouldn't be thinking of anything aas related. Rather just eat, train, learn and experience life
That's convenient. I'm kind of in the same boat, when i go there is 10ppl max for the times i get in. But of those 10, 6 are old ppl taking my a desk. The others are senior citizens and take naps of the gear i don't use those days
Tazer his dumb ass, then rush overt to help him. He will never know what hit him. Trust me, i know first hand. I've been knocked out in kenpo sparing, but getting hit with a Tazer is another level of knockout shit
That is impressive, 215lbs w/32 inch waist. That is unbelievably difficult to do, and man you pull it off. I have a 28 inchish waist at 178lbs, but holy shit. Props bro, endless props.
I do eat peanuts during the day. But those home made bars do sound very interesting.
Even being a electrician is not often i get access to any type of food making/ heating on site. But seriously, I'm liking the bar idea
I am a foreman for a electrical company. I don't get time to sit and actually have a meal. I constantly am moving from different parts of the site to the other. There are times i don't get a chance to eat at all, but take parts of my food during my rounds and eat what i can
I'm on the run almost 10-12 hours non stop during the work day. I only get a short time to sit and eat at lunch for 15 minutes at the most. I know i get filled up just from taking in fluids keeping hydrated.
My thing is can i drink shakes to offset what i can't get from not eating thru the...