sorry man, I like most of your posts but I'm just going to have to disagree with you on that. Especially on domestic UGL's. I talked to one of our domestic sponsors on here for a bit and he did say he sent out his raws for mass spec. But he also admitted to doing it only once years ago. So yeah...
of course it is... but raws are what can be sketchy. There's a few well known raw sources out here that practically every lab runs. Almost, almost everyone gets their raws from china. It's all third party raws. So at the end of the day I'll take what I know to be legitimate pharma Test e and...
Assuming the tren no ester is what? pharmaceutical? or dosed right? in either case, no.
what's your protocol for running tren no ester? every day or just heavy days? how long before gym? doseage?
Was just reading an article about it. No way in hell I'd experiment with it myself. Was just curious if it was something that people have obtained or used.
so how does one go about getting a script for it anyway? I can imagine if you walked in and said I want this they'd just laugh you out of the room. There a list of symptoms to claim you have or what?
Ha, I wasn't worried about it being a tumor. Just got the results in yesterday from my blood test. No I did not check prolactin. As far as backing down, I've literally gotten this every cycle I've ever done. It flares up and goes away once I'm back to cruising. It did it on 500mg of test. 250mg...
So I've started to realize I'm one of those unfortunate people who are gyno sensitive. I've gotten nipple soreness and bumps under the nipples every cycle. I've gotten blood tests before and I've always managed to keep my E in check. But when I drop down to cruise all goes away. The soreness is...
I still can't see anything as far as your tests go. not sure where your estrogen is at. but i'm surprised no one has mentioned that tren will indeed mess with your test results.. no tren doesn't actually convert to estrogen but depending on the test method the lab uses, tren will show your...
awesome. thanks bud. when did you draw? I plan to get blood drawn roughly 36 hours after pinning 500mg. I'm looking for peak results.
when i was on 500 mg a week i was aroun 2500