Winny isn't a thermo. People misconceive it as a thermo it actually dries you out more than anything. Targets water but not fat. Vardifferenf story. Primo is an amazing compound but if you're under 10-12%... things thermo like clen, albuterol, T3, T4, some sarms like S4 S9009 and GW can assist...
The way I look at it is you can't ever be to cautious in this day or age.. you need to be careful and what he's trying to do is keep not only himself but more importantly you secure.
LGD can suppress people is many ways. I've seen guys have 800+ natural test ranges and it's dropped them to below 200. Rad140 can be suppressive and running mk2866 at 25mgs or up for an extended period of time (usually longer than 4 weeks) can suppress as well. No one seems to think sarms have...
I started at 26. Maybe they will say do sarms but sarms can suppress T levels. Again as all these guys would say wait till your 25 26 maybe even 30. It's really just wait game.
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If you need help with bitcoin send me a pm. So simple to set up. In the process of figuring out ETH otherwise known as Ethereum and I'll keep you all posted.
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Hey bud, nice to meet yah. I see you're wondering about MGP! That's solid! But you've been a member for 3 days. Let us know about you (not name or personal) but your stats and goals brother. Things like that.
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Honestly man lgd can be very suppressive. You'll need a full pct. say nolvadex and clomid. I know some argue it doesn't suppress much and some argue it does but I've known guys who've done pre and mid blood tests and their T levels dropped dramatically with even a spike in estrogen at times...
Haha they taste like shit that's just plain and simple. I chase mine with grapefruit juice. I just do that and keep drinking water. It eventually goes away.
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