Shit, nice one! I like your method. I'm also not a fan of lasix, going by what I've read and heard about it. Actually scares me shitless the hole " heart cramp's " shit.
Could you give me ex on dosage etc for the letro and dandelion root?
Much appreciateted bro! And I will def take you up on that! Right now the only thing im not so sure of is a nice water-shedding protocol. You have a good one?
Dont you guy's have these " anti-aging " clinic's in the US? Prob wouldn't get you enough gear to get super jacked, but would get you a legal reason to use gear? Must cost a dick'n'leg, but still?
I'll pop by every now and then with updates etc and let you guy's know how things are going. Would love to hear how more people do there prep or if anyone's currently preping!
Yeah, I'll post som pics from last day
Sure , I appreciate any inputs bro!
Thank's Rick and Dylan. I knew you guys would chime in (was hoping for it). I'll start the GW and proviron right away and order me some s4 from pure!
Just recived my 5pac of GW and they look mint! Nicely packed and transaction was quick and painless. Spot on! Cant wait run it on my next tren cycle and make my work life easier. Lol. Got threw customs her i Scandinavia to. Props!