Count the days lmaoo. Motivation will never be an issue for me, I was just caught off guard. I was planning on taking this week off anyway then easing back into it. Growth has always interested me but I'm content spending extra money feeding myself right at this point in my life. On a...
I loved everything about my tren cycle. Had minimal sides and crazy results. Tested the waters a bit and tapered up to 100 ace with 50 prop ed for the last two weeks and handled it fine. Last pin of ace was 9/1 but im continuing with prop for another week. I have been looking forward to...
makes zero sense.. where do ppl get these crazy cycle ideas?? Get test, pick a compound based on your goals, run it for the recommended time period, then PCT. AAS essentially mutate your body.. keep it simple
why cyp and not prop with ace? I am just finishing a tren cycle now. I started at 250 prop 350 ace pw pinning ed. Had none of the mental sides that ppl complain of and i think its because ed pinning keeps levels more stable. Also lower test seems to reduce sides. I can see why guys will say...
I had this problem. Started getting a little acne at the end of my first test cycle thought it was nbd. Next cycle was test/deca which left me with horrible cystic acne. I wasnt going to wait 3 months to go thru the shit doctors prescribe until they would give me accutane so I got it thru...
That is a ton of test to go with that much tren. How long have you been on this and how have sides been? I've currently tapered up to 700 ace and down to 210 prop (day 3 at 700 started at 350 for 6 weeks, 500 for 2, now 700 for 2). Mental and physical sides have been minimal for me compared to...
I guess that came out a little blunt but I was just trying to convey the fact that AAS wont magically give you abs and advice from your everyday trainer may not be reliable. As with anything, I would suggest doing your own research to build a foundation of knowledge on a subject then ultimately...
Visible abs comes down to diet. Be careful with "trainers" most don't even look like they lift. The guys here have reliable info and experience with SARMS so I would run everything by them before you take a "trainer's" word
How many years have you been training? If cortisol is an issue I would focus more on lifestyle changes and consistent training/nutrition. Anavar and can help but its not a long term solution. Also I would commit to either losing fat or building muscle then train/eat accordingly
I prefer delts or quads to glutes. My first cycle I only used glutes with 23g 1.5in and there were some days I couldn't sit on the leg press because of PIP. Now I use 25g 1in everywhere. I suggest getting some of those and hitting new sites. Keep in mind the first time you hit a muscle PIP...
Even at a low/moderate dose 350-500? I just dont want to get greedy bumping my dose since I haven't experienced mental sides (no cough either so my body seems to cope well). I guess it's a case by case basis but im trying to see if there is a upper range where things can change dramatically...
I havent had any aggression sides from Tren at all and everything has been pretty smooth besides lack of sleep quality and sweating a little more than usual. I started at 350 bumped to 500 after 4 weeks now im thinking of finishing up at 700. I'm curious to hear what dosage people notice these...
I slowly developed acne from taking test only then it got worse when i ran deca and test (really bad cycstic acne). Ran 4 months of accutane and now im on test/tren without any issues. I tried seeing a doctor but there is basically a 3 month period where they try antibiotics and cream before...
If its been a few weeks I'd try isometric holds gradually increasing the range of motion. Dont go to the point of pain but you have to reteach your body to fire the correct motor units in that range of motion to get the shoulder functioning properly again. As the injury heals itself this will...