Yeah, I found this forum while I was waiting for my order from naps and before I found isarms all of the information I was reading seemed very unreliable so o decided to find out for myself. Given my pre cycle labs and my 23 day labs I can tell the sustanon isn't completely bunk, it may still be...
All of my gear, ancillaries and pct are geneza. I have some gw and mk 2866 from sarms x ready to go for my pct so I didn't plan to incorporate that during the cycle. The issue with the endurance is directly related to the cycle though, my muscular endurance and stamina during cardio have been...
Bodean I got a more accurate morning weight today. 250.8. strength is still increasing slowly but my endurance is crap! Libido is back in the toilet. I'm about 90% sure I'm dealing with either high or low estrogen but i don't know which and I dont have the money for more blood work in the budget...
I always do fly's or peck deck first. It's stresses the chest and all of your pressing lifts to tear down more tissue. I can't get my chest to stop growing long enough for my arms to catch up!! Also take two 5lb plates and squeeze them together at chest level and extend your arms straight out...
Breakfast was 10 egg whites and 2 whole eggs, 2 packets of instant oatmeal with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and 8 oz of whole milk.
First lunch was 8oz grilled ribeye and 4oz rice quinoa blend with 2 scoops of bcaa's
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Some is water, a little extra fat over Christmas weekend I think but definitely some quality gains. I can visibly see the growth in my legs, chest and back every week. My arms and shoulders are being stubborn bastards right now though.
Also going to up the cardio a bit to ensure the rest of...
Bodean I took half a nolvadex and I don't know if it's a placebo effect or what but my libido went crazy so I upped my aromasin to 12.5mg one day and approximately 8.5mg the next. I don't want my E to tank completely so I'm trying not to take to much. This seems to be pretty effective so far...
Thank you very much for that info bodean! I went back and checked my baseline and it hasn't changed so that's definitely not the source of my libido issue.
Ok folks my blood work is back!! I can't figure out how to post pictures but I'll keep working on it. Pre cycle my testosterone was 480.1 and at 23 days in it measures >1500. E2 was 17.8 pre cycle and now it is 22.7. So, as far as I can tell the sustanon and the aromasin are both working the way...
Yes I am pinning them separately. Sunday I pin in both glutes and Thursdays I pin in both quads. I rotate right to left weekly as well. I am taking 12.5mg eod of aromasin, Also from geneza and I have nolvadex on hand if necessary.
Ok, quick update folks. Everything is seriously growing by the day! My shoulders are bigger, I've got the pump back to my biceps which has been eluding me for a couple months, my strength is through the roof... I hit 900 on leg press for 5 today and 315 on bench for 5 yesterday both numbers I've...
Well I'm definitely seeing gains!! Whether they're mental or not I just don't know yet. Leg press is up another 50lbs, squat is up 30lbs, bench is up 35lbs all on the last set of 5 on a progressive overload lift. The scale is showing 246 but my diet hasn't been perfect and I only did cardio once...
Ok folks, I ordered my first cycle from naps before I found I sarms. At the time I thought that was by best option. At any rate I've got the gear so I might as well run it and give everyone a thorough cycle log and I for one will be hoping to see some gains. My stats on the start date were 6'4"...