Hi, thank you for your reply. Maybe you can help advise me. I've been on your Sarms layout for 2 weeks and I have a question on the conversion from mg to ml. You recommended I take 20 mg a day. The conversion online says 20mg is .02 ml but my syringe only shows .2ml and that's what I have been...
Hi, I'm a woman and trying to lose about 45-50lbs. I was thinking of using this stack to help assist in my goals....
CardarIne, SR9009, Andarine and MK2866. Is this a good stack to take? What would be a good dosage for these? Any recommendations are greatly appreciated!
So I've been on the Dylan Gemelli PCT protocol for 6weeks now and I've only lost 1.5 pounds and everything is looking great except for my back. I've been breaking out with Acne like a 16yo kid in raging puberty. I dont know what to do about it. Should I go to the Doctor, stick it out in Hope's...
I started my pct a week after my last injection of test prop. I got my pct from a site called Unclez. I've been taking mk2866 25mg, gw-501516 20mp, clomid 50mg, nolv 40mg and aromacin 12.5 every other day.
You're right Dylan I shouldve asked earlier. I ask now because I feel like my sex drive has tanked after taking pct for two weeks. Why would that be? Is that normal?
When do I start my post cycle? I did about 15 week gear cycle. Ten weeks of test C and five weeks of test prop. I waited about a week before I started my post cycle of mk2866,gw-501516,clomid,nolv,ai per Dylan gemelli specs but not sure if I started to late or early.
Unfortunately I didn't get tested before my first cycle but I think it was higher. I still don't feel 100% normal and my prostate is still a little enlarged. I think I might pct one more time just for good measure. You said it would hurt me if I did correct?
Looking to gain some lean mass with sarms and or test. Could you give me some recommendations? Also could you give me a brief summary of what the different grouPs do for the body.