Really happy to hear the possitive endorsement of NPP! What dosage were you running and for how long? I am assuming you were running Test, as well?
Thanks in advance for the info!
I have read some have experienced depression as a side effect from Deca? Have you ever experienced that? Additionally - i read that NPP is more side effect friendly - if you are not running high doses?
Haha - totally agree! It probably took about 6-8 months to get the dosage and pinning frequency figured. Funny thing is my doctor had no idea people were pinning multiple times a week or even subq.
I am confident my doctor thinks i am an asshole, because i always ask him questions on his...
I completely agree! The funny thing is, he was treating me for the low total T, Free Test and really low estradiol. But seemed to believe that really high SHBG was ok and he called it a ?bank for testosterone?! I tried asking him in a polite way that i was reading conflicting data and he seemed...
Thank you for the breakdown! Clearly math is not my strength! Haha!
I have been on TRT for a year with Test Cyp at 150mgs weekly. I started out pinning once a week like everyone else and then eventually 2 to 3 times. I kept reading how pinning everyday with an insulin needle netted the most...
Forgive my lack of experience - but total test over 3,000 seems really high?
Also, i am a little confused on how much total test you are taking per week?
I am planning a low dose cycle of maybe 200 test, 200 NPP and 15-20 of Anavar. I am guessing i may have to wait till after my bloodwork to...
A big focus for me and i am sure it is obvious, is wanting to avoid the sides. Also, i am not sure how i will respond to the additional compounds so i want to start on the low end.
I love it! I think this might turn into the Low Dose Advocates Thread!
I am thinking about running the following:
200mg Test Cyp
200mg NPP
10-15mg of Anavar
I am currently on TRT Test Cyp at 150mg a week and do daily injections.
My goal is to experiment with the lowest doses possible, as i...
Interesting that you mentioned NPP, as that is one of the compounds i am looking to add! I just PM a rep for a list from 1Stop and am anxious to make my first purchase!
I am interested in purchasing from Domestic Shop. I am curious, does it matter if i go directly through the site for what is available or better through a rep? Additonally, i am currently on TRT and looking to add some lose dose compounds. To be honest, this would be my first time using bitcoin...
I also think I may be over thinking it, as it seems to be right ? we do bloodwork every 6 months. I believe if i was strategic in my timing, i could execute a mild cycle and ?return to stasis? before a visit.
I have to be honest Dylan, you last 2 videos have really peaked my interest, with...
Greetings ? first time poster here!
I have a question for those of you who are on prescribed TRT and add additional compounds (if i ever get over the fear of ordering!). Importantly, please forgive me if this has already been posted/discussed.
So at 38 years old ? I am on prescribed TRT with a...