So I work with a guy who is 42 is on trt through a doctor. He told me he was going to do a cycle to get motivated to go to the gym .Well he has a buddy that got him sust and eq and tells me he's doing 500 sust and 100 eq a week I try and tell him I would up the eq to 400 min and get the...
If your using sust 250 at one cc that's 250mg of sust. The eq should have a number after 100 or 200 and so on. But if we have to tell you this you probably should not run a cycle. If things go bad do you even know what to do? This can and will screw your body up for the rest of your...
I started at 40 and felt strength increase bumped to 50 a little more effective now at 60 and my aggression is higher not out of control or any where close but alot more fire in the tank to hit the gym and kill it especially after this week of 7 days 10 hr work week. Next time I'll start at 60...
I'm using tbol as a kicker right now three weeks in its great strength is going up pretty quickly, getting solid pumps out of it and overall feeling the best way I can put it is I'm good. Can't wait to see the last three weeks of it I'm running it a 50mg. Make sure you have liver protection I'm...
The triple stack is what you want you can run them all for 12 weeks would give you the best results but 8 will do here the dosing
1-8 Ostarine 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.*
1-8 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.*
1-8 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day*...