Got two of these recently, amazing product. Thanks you tazz for staying in contact and keeping me updated. The product itself is great hits you fast since it is in fact water based suspension. I did 1.5cc in the left pec literally zero pip none. A little sore the next day but that's to be...
Dorin come on bro it's all about how bad you want it. What exactly are your goals? Size or aesthetic? Pizza is a decently macro friendly cheat meal but that's it.
I've honest to god dropped even more bf since my cycle ended on Valhalla tren ace, at roughly 8% it's not fucking hard. I looked like a god on tren and I can't fucking wait to do federal MT and see what's up
Thanks for your input guys, I love the iron and lifting heavy ass weight. I was just curious as to the benefits of kettlebells because a lot of people seem to be into it nowadays and I could possibly learn more about it for cardio purposes, I've never been a big fan of running on treadmills and...
So one of the biggest dudes at my gym and I were talking today. I see him there every single day and rarely ever see him lift a single weight. The dude is always in the "shred room" which has the kettlebells, battle ropes, and other various things for more endurance based workouts. He is...
Yep fed is a solid mother fucker... got bored with my cruise after 2 weeks off tren and am now "cruising" with Valhalla test cyp and Feds anadrol 50 get on my level, just signed up for a new liver.