I'm not perfect either but I know what you're saying bro... I've looked at some of this shit and all I have to say is if you look that shitty literally all you'd have to do to look great is not eat and actually go to the gym...
I mean you're right but it's still strange... shouldn't be causing aches and pains either... I mean I guess one thing you can do is labmax it or buy one of those roid test kits to see if the horomone stated is at least in the compound you're pinning.
Makes no sense bro. NPP should be doing the opposite of aching joints. I'm On NPP as well and I've honestly felt much better after leg pressing and shit. Cuz I do have some knee issues so I still have to watch, but the strain on my joints has definitely felt better since starting NPP.
I agree. How tf are you 189 pounds and 30% bf that's terrible that means if you were15 which is the minimum recommended bf % you'd be a fucking bean pole so basically you should get your diet and training in line hardcore before even considering gear.
Also I'd lower test to 350 a week if I were you for best results from the tren. Test aromatizes, tren doesn't. Last cycle I ran test cyp at 350 and tren at 875mg a week I was running test at 500 and was retaining some water. Once I dropped it I started to look like a Greek god more and more...
I mean you can, I use 1 inch no matter what, but yeah basically. If you're lean enough you can actually see the muscle. If you throw your leg out to the side you can feel it too, it's basically right below your iliac crest. Seriously the best pin site I've ever used zero pip and I have yet to...