First picture is start of cycle on August 12th 2018 12 weeks out from competition
Weight: 212lbs
Height: 6’2
Second is today November 3rd at 1 week out.
Weight: 193
Height: 6’2.
I’m currently 11 pounds above my last show weight of 182 back in May.
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Within the next four weeks we should start seeing some more definition in the obliques and also more prominent vascularity. I feel as if I’m in a decent spot for 8 weeks 1 day out. The really great chances will come the more strict the diet gets. Once those carbs are gone that’s when the...
These are from the last two days. It’s coming in... slowly but surely. Definitely slowly getting my vascularity back.
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Honestly brother I was aiming for a 12 week prep because that’s usually standard. I’ll be honest this was my first season competing and have two shows and one win under my belt that got me nationally qualified. But I haven’t been as mentally ready for this one saying as to how I sort of just...
That’s a few weeks after my last show in May our makeup is very similar with the abdominal muscles. I honestly don’t train them very often I just eat clean
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Btw you literally have almost the same ab genetics as me lol. That’s almost a mirror of how mine look at your level.
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Dude you look completely different than last prep!!! Keep it up that’s a show winning physique right there and you still have 6 weeks!!! Nice job my man
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Not much of a difference yet. Still a little over 10 weeks out. Down about 3 lbs and it hasn’t been long enough to get the full benefits of the gear yet so I will keep posting pics throughout the cycle.
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Ok I’ll post a pic tomorrow intra workout birthday workout tomorrow, one of my favorites lol. It’s going well I’m gonna go ahead and say the tren is def g2g starting to sweat extremely hardcore no matter what I do. Not very lethargic yet but I’m seeing slightly more vascularity creeping up...
Starting stats:
Height: 6’2
Weight: 212 lbs (up from 182 at my last competition in May. I did run an increased dose of test and 6 weeks of drol afterwards)
Body fat: roughly 10-12% as caliperas are not 100% accurate usually roughly 3-5% off
I am also starting my diet same day as cycle...
First pin tonight running Test Cyp, EQ, Tren Ace, and mast E. Winny last 6 weeks.
Tren Ace: 350mg per week (I wanted 600mg... I know don’t bother telling me it’s suicide but I’ve run higher) may fluctuate later on but 350 was the dose my coach recommended.
Eq: 600mg per week