Dude what your dad bought was probably those bullshit pills they sell online labeled as hgh which it obviously wouldn't be. Hgh is expensive af to run a decent enough dose to notice anything significant and it has to be for an extended period of time or it's pointless to begin with.
Valid point just surprised since it's water based. One of the few things I don't like about water bases is that when you clear the air out of the pin there's not that little bit of lubrication to help the pin slide into the muscle easier.
Wow bro that's impressive.. very rare to see someone who has a cycle so well laid out. A lot of the proposed cycles on here are just straight up absurd. At least you know what you are doing and I'm glad to see there are still some responsible users out there. The only thing I may do different...
I might use labs md from now on.. there's literally a quest diagnostics right across the street from where I live I can walk and get there in 30 seconds. Labcorps closest location is 24 mins away lol
You can dose it all at once. I do it all the time and never have issues. Some people will say different but I've done it both ways and have never seen any difference in results.
Yep found out February 2nd my girlfriend is pregnant little over a month and a half or so I'd say. I just recently finished a tren/sust/winny cycle and went into cruise mode on test cyp at 350mg a week no pct obviously. I was on 875mg tren ace a week and 350mg sust a week. Still got pregnant...